All my Gorgeous Guides are written in response to frequently asked questions from clients and other business owners. They’re designed to give you information that can be used when working with me, or general advice on a design problem. Find support with print design, fonts, social media design, publishing, book design, marketing material and websites including WordPress and Squarespace.
Can’t find what you need? Do ask me. My monthly newsletter, Gorgeous also contains inspiration delivered straight to your inbox. Here’s how to subscribe getting gorgeous.

There are several factors that will affect your production costs (editorial, design, proof-reading) when you self publish a book. I’ll cover those in another guide which I’ll share first in Gorgeous, sign up to read it first. One step that has caught out a few of my clients is the print costs and % they will make on each sale and this post offers advice on how authors may lower it.
I love discussing design and I was pleased to update my speaking page with new topics and links. I firmly believe that design should be understandable as well as entertaining. As a trained coach and designer, I often sense frustration with a topic that can be complex. The audience will get the very best from their time with me and get actionable tips.
In the June issue of Gorgeous I shared how I played around with Generative Fill and Photoshop. I managed to convince a few people I was in Cornwall. It does result in a query over authenticity and here’s my view on AI generated content.
This Get Gorgeous tip is suitable for you if you are looking to hire a designer, worried about your current design project and the designer you’ve hired, want to get an overview of workflows (you can read more about them in my monthly newsletter, Gorgeous), or you are a designer or creative looking for advice