What to do when fonts are retire

Earlier this summer, Carter and Cone and David Berlow’s Font Bureau removed all their fonts from the Adobe Font library. In March, House Industries also retired their fonts. Carter and Cone’s decision took away 50 families or 700 fonts. This isn’t uncommon, not all business relationships are endless, but it has an impact on creative work.

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Case study: 'My Voice' books for the Association of Jewish Refugees

These powerful, first person stories begin their own story as words recorded by dedicated volunteers. The transcripts are managed by a talented team within the charity through the editorial and design process before being printed in hard back volumes. Often they arrive with few photos and what there is, isn’t always good quality. One particularly moving book presented a problem as the subject had no photos of his family at all, just his father’s watch.

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When you need a designer but you can't afford one, what do you do?

Many people can struggle to find the budget for design. Posts that start with ‘I’m new, I haven’t got much money and I need a designer. Can I trade skills/do I go to a low cost site/competition or pitch site/do you know a cheap designer/can you work for exposure or haggle?’ concern me as it not only devalues design, it could also end up a false economy. Here’s a better way.

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How to get, and give, meaningful design feedback

How you direct the question and handle the responses matters. How you feel about it matters too. After all, this is putting your brief to your designer to the test. How well do you know your clients?

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