Using comments and annotations to digitally mark up a PDF helps to reduce miscommunication, typos, errors. It speeds up the revision process. When you mark onto a PDF, I receive an automatically generated checklist of your requested changes to help me keep track of what is required - all in one place! Here’s how to do it plus links to videos.
Read MoreIt’s the subject that’s the most technical and therefore about time it had its own blog post. How do you know if your image will look alright? If its not okay, how to fix it.
Read MoreA romantic attachment to the print book, or a driving desire to see their book in bookstores can drive some authors into making poor print decisions. It’s okay to aim for these goals but be supercritical at the same time. Here’s some important information on print on demand and offset printing and a few important questions I’ll ask you when we’re collaborating.
Read MoreThis Tips and Tricks post explains the difference between RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) and CMYK Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key, and when each is used. I also offer advice on when you may want to use Pantone colours and why you may want to avoid them.
Read MoreYou sent an email to Fiverr and what you got back wasn’t what you asked for and you had to chase them up. And your competitor’s Canva stuff looks like yours. Never fear, here’s 12 reasons why a designer can help your business and what to look for.
Read MoreDesigners can do a lot to help with the climate emergency. We can use our talents to create awareness or translate data to accessible facts, alongside speed and efficiency which reduces power. Designers with knowledge of ethical supply chains can advise our clients on buying choices, reducing proof stages, agile practice and waste (particularly true when it comes to branded plastic consumables).
Read MoreMyths about ISBNs abound, trying to find the answer is as easy as sourcing a litre of petrol. In this simple post, here’s an FAQ, taken from queries I receive from my publishers and authors when I’m designing and project managing books. I hope it’s useful.
Read MoreA landing page is a follow-up to any offers that you've made in your content. It's the next step toward a visitor becoming a customer. A landing page makes a trade, special offer, shares a piece of information or a deal, in return for providing contact information.
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